Monday, May 30, 2011

What The Fvck

You know what? 
I'm start to sick of my life. 

I don't know why, but i feel do not do something useful all my life. 

God damn myself!!!

Sunday, May 29, 2011

The Script!

Yeaa, bloggies! I have a new fave band :D It's The Script! Y do i like it? Because they have many reasons to be loved by my many ones in this world haha. Do I exaggerate? :p I'm not joking! The Script is an adorable band. They have super fine quality songs, great music arrangement, and the vocalist has a sexy great voice!  

DAMN, I love them!  

Their genre of music is rock alternative and If you think this is an ads of The Script, you got it wrong :D I'm not promoting 'em, guys. I'm just telling how much The Script deserves to be loved ;);)
    By the way, The Script comes from London. They are Irish, but now they live in London, England. Psst, Danny is also gorgeous :p Nooo, you may think that I like the people, but the truth is I LOVE the music ;)
Okay, I will eh i give you some of their pictures!




Cool right?! :p

The Script has only three personnel:  

Danny O'Donoghue (Vocalist)
Mark Sheehan (Lead Guitar, Backing Vocal)
Glen Power (Drummer, Backing Vocal, Rhythm Guitar) 

Despite their small crews The Script makes it simply big with their great carrier. I can't stop saying how much I love them because their musics make a very nice impression in my mind and my heart :p Well, first love I heard from them was The Man Who Can't Be Moved; and I kept repeating that song over and over. I didn't mean to make its lyric memorized well by me, but I became memorizing it :) When I thought I love the music of The Script and they left a lasting impression, I downloaded their other songs, and I started listening to it. And what is the result? I'm amazed by their songs until now! I thought they only got one great song, but they were not. Well, I'm a bit late of knowing them, but it's fine, because now I know how beautiful their music is :D

These are some great songs of The Script I use to hear:
* Breakeven
* The Man Who Can't Be Moved
* Nothing
*This Is Love
*If You Ever Come Back
*Before The Worst

Well, actually I love many great singers too, such as Maroon 5 de el el The Script is the latest band I super like! I have been loving my fave singers/groups I mentioned above since I was in Junior High School. Do you see that I'm more interested in hip hop music? Yeah, it's right. So, The Script is the only exception :D OK, I love band music too, but if only they're really nice. For Indonesian band I love Maliq & D'essentials, Nidji, Kerispatih and soooo on. I used to love Peterpan songs, but since their 2 personnel were out, I don't know why they become suck-___- 

 Okaaay, I just really hope The Script will have a plan to come and hold a concert in Jakarta! And when it happens, I also really hope that I can see them live! I hope it so much T.T While I haven't heard any news of their visit to Jakarta, it's better for me to start saving money for buying their ticket concert one day :D I don't wanna miss any concerts of my fave singers/groups singers over again just like I usually did :-/ 


Monday, May 16, 2011

failure is the key to success

Pernah denger pepatah orang mengatakan, "Orang bodoh adalah orang yang melakukan kesalahan dua kali?" Well gue pernah merasakan seperti itu. Apa yang gue lakuin selaluuu aja salah. Mungkin gue adalah orang orang terbodoh diantara yang bodoh karena kalo dipikir pikir nih ya, gue juga sering melakukan kesalahan yang sama daaaan itu lebih dari 2 kali. it makes me feel useless sometimes

Perasaan gue, jadi orang yang useless tuh kadang bikin gue juga jadi capek sendiri. ini itu salah, ini itu ga bener, dilakuin salah daan parah nya kalo ga dilakuin juga salah T_T but, then i tought... masa sih gue gak punya kemampuan? apa iya, eh masa sih gue diberojolin alias dilahirin ke dunia yang gemerlap ini *apalah ay-_-* tanpa peran apa apa di dunia ini? bahasa gampang nya yamasa gue ga berguna gitu-__- No, i'm not talking about being a 'superhero', tapi hal-hal kecil ajadeh yang bisa dilakuin, khususnya sama gue sendiri secara pribadi, supaya dunia jadi tempat yang lebih baik *eyazeek*

Pertama-tama, kenapa kita ga buang jauh-jauh tuh pikiran yang tadi "i'm useless?" hehe. Dengerin nih yaa dan emang fakta sih, kalo kita itu gak akan fokus ngelakuin sesuatu dengan baik apalagi sampe hasil yang memuaskan kalau pikiran kita negatif. Positive thinking  ngebangun pola pikir kita untuk semangat \m/ dan ngelakuin hal hal yang positif juga ;)

Dengan pola pikir yang baru ininihh, akhirnya gue sadar gue udah ngelakuin kesalahan karena gue selalu berpikir, "gue selalu salah" *walau fakta jg mengatakan begitu:p* And, i changed my mindset from negative to a positive one! kalau pun kita melakukan kesalahan, anggap aja sebagai our lessons to face the future. Contohnya Thomas Alva Edison nih, sebelum dia jadi sukses kan ternyata dia tuh selalu dapet nilai buruk disekolah *believe it?-__-* dan penemuannya juga bukan sesuatu heem proyek gitulah yang langsung berhasil kan?:p Banyak juga kali percobaan yang diaa lakuin sampe akhirnya berhasil dah tuh nemuin teknologi baru dan sangat ngebantu kitaakan sekarang? yega?

So, it's alright if we're failed and failed again. Justru kita tuh malahan bakal dapet tambahan ilmu dan kekuatan untuk bangkit lagi! ahaha. Kalaupun kita ngelakuin kesalahn yang sama, anggep ajadeh itutuh latihan supaya ngebuat kita semakin hapal dan mengerti. Anggap kesalahan-kesalahan kita itu sebagai hal atau momen yang "wajib" lo laluin buat ngeraih kesuksesan! yeaay \m/ Jangan pernah lo biarin kesalahan kesalahan itu ngeredupun semangat lo dan bahkan sampe bikin lo lupa sama cita-cita atau mimpi lololo semua yang 'segudang' itu guy'ssss! dan emang wajib kudu perlu lo raih.

Emang sih, lo gak bisa ngulang bahkan sampe memperbaiki masa lalu, tapi masa depan masih adakan? yap, masa depan yang masih bisa lo perbaiki, yang masih bisa lo prediksiin. Apalagi nih ya, lo juga belajar dari kesalahan kesalahan lo di masa lalu itu dan lo juga mau untuk memperbaikinya buat masa depan lo yaaang jauh lebih baik. Keep on dreaming dan berusaha bersungguh sungguh untuk ngeraih tuh semua mimpi atau cita cita lo yang 'segudang' itu!!!

Kayak kalimat yang ada di bawah patung perunggu Obama kecil nih...

"The Future belongs to those who believe in the power of their dreams."

Sunday, May 15, 2011

by my side

i'm just listening to the clock go ticking
i'm waiting as the time goes by
i think of you with every breath i take
i need to feel your heartbeat next to mine
you're all i see,in everything

i just wanna hold you
i just wanna kiss you
i just wanna love you all my life
i normally wouldn't say this
but i just can't contain it
i want you here forever
right here by my side

all the fears you feel inside,
and all the tears you cry
they're ending right here
i'll heal your heart and soul
i'll keep you oh so close
dont worry,i'll never let you go
you're all i need,you're everything

i just wanna hold you
i just wanna kiss you
i just wanna love you all my life
i normally wouldn't say this
but i just can't contain it 
i want you here forever
right here by my side

no one else will ever do
i got a stubborn heart for you
calll me crazy,but its true,i love you
i didn't think that it wouldbe
you have made it clear to me
you're all i need

i just wanna hold you
i just wanna kiss you
i just wanna love you all my life
i normally wouldn't say this
but i just can't contain it 
i want you here forever
right here by my side



          When I called you, I had fallen in a bad place.Reaching for a memory, that the haze of time had shaded. Shadows lay a softness and had worn away the edges. Never mind they're lying They were all the lies I needed.

           When you picked up, I could hear that you were smiling. More than I remember Or that you believed you'd ever. In time our crooked questions, Brought us all these twisted answers. It seems you've found your sunshine, Without knowing where you're headed.

           So I'll move on. Always been that kind of restless I find my peace without seeking understanding It's too late for me to die too young. We fade slow. While believing we're still giving

Thursday, May 12, 2011

Your Call

Waiting for your call, I’m sick, call I’m angry
Call I’m desperate for your voice
I’m listening to the song we used to sing
In the car, do you remember, butterfly, early summer?
It’s playing on repeat, just like when we would meet
Like when we would meet

I was born to tell you I love you
And I am torn to do what I have to
To make you mine, stay with me tonight

Stripped and polished, I am new, I am fresh
I am feeling so ambitious
You and me, flesh to flesh
’Cause every breath that you will take
When you are sitting next to me
Will bring life into my deepest hopes, what’s your fantasy?
What’s your, what’s your

I was born to tell you I love you
And I am torn to do what I have to
To make you mine, stay with me tonight

And I’m tired of being all alone
And this solitary moment makes me want to come back home
And I’m tired of being all alone
And this solitary moment makes me want to come back home
And I’m tired of being all alone
And this solitary moment makes me want to come back home
And I’m tired of being all alone
And this solitary moment makes me want to come back home

I was born to tell you I love you
And I am torn to do what I have to
I was born to tell you I love you
And I am torn to do what I have to, to make you mine
Stay with me tonight

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

My Best ❤

Melissa Octavia Djohan a.k.a Mboy 

She's my bestbestbest friend!!! anak gua nih hahaha. orang nya easy going, seloow kayak air~ gatau kenapa lovelife gue sm ini bocah sempet bersangkut pautan (?) ahaha. enak buat curcol walaupun jarang kasih saran wkwk, kl bales sms pasti seperlunya-_- berasa smsan sm esia hahaha. Pipinya embem:O tapi ucul;) asik anaknya, tomboy and braces!

Jendy Caprico a.k.a Tukang Beras

one of my the bestbest friend:) panggil dia 'Jendy' pasti nongol (????) cowo yang satu ini paling enak diajak curhat, the best banget lah! pinter ngambil hati orang, pinter mencairkan suasana *ceilaah-_-* dewasa juga hehe. Enak buat sms-an dan ngelawak, parah deh kalo udah lawak di sms:p  dan kalo sms-an sm si Jendy ini gatau kenapa ga pernah ada habisnya, adaa aja topiknya wkwk sampe sampe Tukang Beras dan Lontong pun jadi-___-" termasuk orang yang Paling Suka Ngecakkin gua nih:P

Irfan Aulia Putra a.k.a Kakak!

OOOoo kakakku Irfan!;);) ini orang yang nemenin gue hampir eeh tiap hari deng HEHE orang yang emang sosok seorang kakak yang gue cari.kalolg BadMood dia bisa bikin gue senyum lagi;) tapi juga ga jarang sih malah dia yang kena semprot kalo gue lg BadMood wkwk. Irfan selalu jadi tempat pertama gue sharing kl gue lg ada masalah. He's have a Good Personality, Friendly, Easy going, paling suka ngomong 'Jutek'-_- dan lain lain;P

Pradipta Prandini Erawan

Diptaaaa! she's my chairmate! temen sebangku selama kurang lebih 1,5thn;D;D orang nya enak diajak ngobrol dan tau bgt sikon (?) paling paham kalo gue lagi BadMood dia mesti ngapain;P orang yang paling sering kena semprot dan kena kejutekkan gue HAHA cewe yang super cheerful dan strong *menurut gue* tapi kalo udah BadMood juga ga kalah serem nih cewe (☉_☉) *peace dip*

Nadia Karima Rachmadani

NadNadNad itulah dia-_- cewe yang super baeknya, kenapa? karena gue suka dibeliin pulsa, GRATIS lhoo~ wakakaka kalo mungkin di itung nih, udah banyak kali utang gue wkwk. yah, intinya Nadia ini orangnya baik;) dan paling tau deh kalo gue lagi BadMood wahaha;D gue belum kenal lama sama ini cewe tapi she's have Good Personality lah hehe

Karinka Halimah Almas a.k.a Bu RT 

Karin? itulah panggilannya;p haha, orang nya ini tuh rada susah ngontrol emosi-_- galak ah~ ampun tantee~ wakaka anaknya 'Gahoel' dan asik buat cerita sekaligus bercerita *apa maksudnya aaay* kalo udah cerita masyaAllah kayak kereta api *tut tut tuuut* ga bisa berenti nyerocos mulu ck

My Quotes...
Friendship... is not something you learn in school. But if you haven't learned the meaning of friendship, you really haven't learned anything.;)