Sunday, June 19, 2011

June, 19th 2011

June, 19th 2009 - June, 19th 2011

Happy 2nd years Anniversary!:D

waaah banyak bgt.

Gue harap lo tetep care, baik, jadi pendengar curcolan gue yang paling setia, setia teruzzz nemenin gue sampe pagi-__-V support gue supaya gue never give up!

Gue harap lo tetep jadi orang yg bisa nerima gue apa adanya, yaaa selfish, childish, banyak maunya, moody:p gak pernah nurut, bandel kl disuruh makan-_-v

Gue harap lo tetep setia sampe kapan pun, tetep setia jadi orang yg "Selalu" kena semprot kl gue lg emosi, orang yg kena kejutek kan gue, makian gue, kemarahan gue yg suka tiba-tiba de el el *maaf bgt yaaa;)*

Gue harap sekalipun kita pisah, bukan sekalipun lg sih karena emg udah pasti kita bakal pisah, lo tetep anggep gue "ada" like you say to me;p kita gak bakal lostcontact dll

Maaf kalo gue selalu buat salah, marah-marah, jutek, ga pernah nurut, bikin lo kecewa dan lain-lain. Belum pernah bikin lo senyum dan seneng :') sorry...

I hope it will be everlasting, never fight anymore, no more misconseption, no more problems between us, never say "haughty" anymore:p and always understand each other

Love and good wishes are sent for a really love day. 
One that is wonderful in each and every way... :)

Thanks for being my someone two past years ;-D
Thank for everything ;-)

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